My experiences are based on the Danish weather.

* Summer temperatures;
18 to 25 C. / 64 to 77 F with occasional 25 to32 C/ 64 to 89F.

* Winter temperatures;
-5 to 10 C. / 32 to 50 F with occasional – 10 C./ 32 F

* Light?;
during winter, at its worse´, mostly grey days, with the sun setting at 3-4 pm.


Therefore please take in consideration that the sun and heat can be different in your part of the world.




It is important to keep watering your oxalis with bulbs or rhizomes, or they can go dormant, but be careful that the soil is not socking wet at all times.
In other words, oxalis needs well drained soil and moist conditions.

In particular it seems as rhizomes are more delicate when lacking water.
I experienced this, one hot summer (temp. 28 C / 88 F) when I did not water for two days. Some of the Triangularis that were exposed to direct sun just when dormant. Eventually they recovered, thanks heaven.

I have experienced that the soil, in pots, only can take so much water at the time, therefore when watering it is a good idea to;


  1. Water with a little water at the time
  2. Water two or tree times with an interval of 30 minutes or even better 1 hour.

This watering method allows the soil to be watered completely instead of it just running out when giving it all at the time. Actually this method saves water, as you use less and probably won’t have to water everyday.




~ Growing Oxalis

The folowing guidelines are important for all bulbs and rhizomes 

It is important;

* That you plant the bulbs, rhizomes or tuber immediately if they start to sprout.

* That you do not cut the yellowing leaves, as the bulbs in this stage are drawing in nourishment from them. This is essential for the bulbs, as they will need the stored energy to get bigger and use it in the following growing season.

* That you do not start the dormant period if the oxalis is in bloom. This means that the growing cycle is not finished and can cause stress or plant loss.

* Bear in mind that Triangularis blooms year round, but as it often does it in cycles, start when it has less or no flowers.



* To get more plants from a rhizome, just break it into smaller pieces.

* Keeping your plants healthy; Remove dried leaves throughout the growing season.
It gives air between the plant and can prevent pests.

* Check for synonymous, as many species names are changed.
For instance; Oxalis melanostica is synonymous with Oxalis purpurea "Ken Aslet"

* Sometimes it can be difficult to see what side of the bulb, rhizome or tuber is up or down.
A good way to solve this is to plant them side ways.



Before watering make sure that your oxalis is not soaking wet, as it does look just as sad when "drowning" as it is when thirsty.

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